Saturday, October 10, 2009

17) Allah and science part 3 (Geology)

Allah has mentioned about 30 times talks about mountains in different Sureh and verses. In few verse analysis the mountain in more detail.
  • Sureh 16 (Al-Nahl), verse 81: Allah has created mountains for people to use it as shelter.
  • Sureh 27 (Al-Naml), Verse 88: Allah mentioned to Mohammad: Do you think that the mountains are not moving? The mountain are moving like the clouds.
  • Sureh 78 (Al-Nabaa), Verse 7: Allah made the mountains like spikes to prevent earth's trilling. This means that Allah believes that the earth is flat so spikes will prevent the trilling of the earth.
  • Sureh 20 (Taha), Verse 105: ....Mohammad they will ask you about the mountain and you tell them Allah will chopped them in small pieces in resurrection day.
Allah uses mountains in most of the verse as a symbol of fear.
  • Sureh 2 (Al-bagareh), Verse 74: .... Some of the stones will fall from the fear of Allah.
Here few questions can be asked:
1) Why all stones are not falling?
2) Why All stones are not fearful from Allah?

There are about 10 verse the word stone is mentioned and all in relation with the fear and punishment of unbelievers stories.

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