Monday, December 22, 2008

5) Allah and Intimidation

As we know human is very creative and innovative from centuries ago even before Islam. Iran, Egypt, Rome and many other countries have founded many important industries (e.g paper, Architects, etc) and they were all continuing to improve the humans life. But Allah who 100 percent was a psychopath human and guiding human to wrong direction. He based its ideology on fear.

In Quran you can read many joyful and fearful verses from Allah for the believers and fearful verses for unbelievers.

Key words: Bashir and Nazir (means praise and fear)

  • 30 times Allah defines the role of its messenger (include Mohammad). As an example in Sureh
  • 22 (Al-haj), Verse 49: Mohammad said: My role is only to fear you.About 6 times the fear is followed by praise. Sure 11 (Hood), Verse 2. Mohammad said: My role is only to fear and praise you.
This method (Fear and Praise) is noticed in the whole Quran. The worst possible torture, intimidation, terror and horror is promised for unbelievers while for believers legitimate and providing green light for any crime (e.g Kill unbelievers then you will own their belonging, wife, children and any natural source). Believers has to fear only Allah.

With this method attracts the most criminal believers and empty them if they have any humanity left then fill their emptiness with intimidation, fear from hell and punishment.

On the other hand it creates hate and revenge from unbelievers in the believers mind and heart. It also gives power to believers so they feel much better than any other human because they think they are executing Allah's will and wish.

Sureh 3 (Al-Emran) Which has 200 Verses. It defines believers and unbelievers for about 27 times. 60 times intimidates believers and fear them from Allah but on the other hand praise them with allowing multiple sex, virgin, ... including Mohammad.
45 times threat the unbelievers, intimidate them and promise them the hell. Allah also wishes all unbelievers to be destroyed.

Sureh 59 (Al-Hashr), Verse 21: In this Verse states If Allah had sent the Quran to mountains then mountains would collapse from Allah's fear. This Verse shows the writer of Quran knew what this book will do with humanity (fear, intimitation, etc)

Conclusion: intimidate believers and create fear for Allah so that they are ready to perform any crime against unbelievers. This is their way for 1400 years.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

4) Is Allah merciful? Find the answer in Quran.

Key words:

Al-rahman, Al-rahim, Ghafour and etc are mentioned in Quran many times. Especially every Sureh but one starts with "Besmelah-el-rahman-el-rahim" means Allah is kind and merciful.
Here are references from Quran in this regards:
  • Sureh 14 (Ebrahim), starts with Allah is kind and merciful. The second verse starts with warning to unbelievers and the tough torturing in the life after the death. it is clear that Allah is kind and merciful for only believers. Also believers are only ones who kill unbelievers, robe their belonging, and any crime against unbelievers for Allah.
  • Sureh 9 (Al-tobeh), verse 5: Kill unbelievers where ever you can find them, surrender and arrest them, Set trap for unbelievers. If unbelievers regret, ask for forgiveness become believers,pray for Allah and pay money to believers then you can forgive them because Allah is kind and merciful. Pay attention, First Allah allow the believers to kill and commit any crime against unbelievers and when they become believers because of the fear of being killed and have to pay 1/10 of their belonging then Allah is kind and merciful? What an Allah.
Muslim believes in this Allah who encourage and legitimate any crime against unbelievers but at the end it is kind and merciful how?

Monday, December 15, 2008

3) Knowing real Muslim behavior by knowing Allah

The main character in Islam is Allah and Allah has introduce himself in Quran. About 1754 times the name Allah has been used in Quran with different adjective (e.g. Allah shadid Al-eghab means Allah is very tough torturer). The adjective words that has been used varies from being kindest to the toughest torturer. We need to sort the Allah's adjectives that are mentioned in Quran in order to find put what kind of attribute Allah has and then we will know the real Muslims behavior better. Unbelievers from Saudi 1400 years ago had to fight against the same Muslim who obey the same Allah. Finally we can defend humanity and civilization against this barbarian attack by knowing Muslims attribute and behavior.
Here are the adjectives that are used in Quran many times for Allah:
  • Sureh 44 (Al-dokhan), Verse 11: Azab Alim means painful torturer
  • Sureh 31 (Loghman), Verse 24: Azab Ghaliz means heavy torture
  • Sureh 45 (Al-jacieh), Verse 9: Azab Mohin means insulting torture
  • Sureh 45 (Al-jacieh), Verse 11: Azab Men Rajzen Alim means dirty torture
  • Allah threat and warn unbelievers more than 400 times to be burn in the hell and different type of fire (e.g. huge fire, green fire,...) as example Sureh 58 (Al-Brouj), Verse 5: Alnar zat-Al- voghood means huge fire
  • Sureh 2 (Al-baghareh), Verse 24: Allah make a fire from human bodies as fuel.
  • Sureh 44 (Al-dokhan), Verse 43 and Sureh 37 (Al-safat), Verse 62: Allah plant a tree in the hell which called "Zaghoom" and it's fruits are evil head. Allah offer this fruit (evils head) to unbelievers while torturing them in the hell.
  • Sureh 13 (Al-Raad), Verse 13: Allah is the best torturer.
  • Sureh 54 (Al-ghamar), Verse 25: Nobody can torture as good as Allah
Allah is only merciful to believers and his followers (who torture, rape, kill, etc) as it is referred in Quran.

Conclusion: Unfortunately Allah was the most psychopath human being that called himself Allah which does not exist as it has been described by human. We need to study and read Quran word by word, line by line to understand Allah, Mohammad and his followers. How can such an Allah be the creator of the world?

Monday, December 8, 2008

2) Islam and genocide

I have studied Quran and found many references where genocide is allowed and encouraged. Here are some references that you can read more about it.

Key words:
Quran refers to Allah as the same Allah of Ibrahim, Noah, Moses and Jesus and their followers.
Loot, Samood, Aad, Alhajar, As-hab Al-ras, Madyan, Ikeh and Faraon nations and more.

Quran refers to the following nations and the genocide was the punishment for the whole nations:
  • Samood nations about 25 times has been referred to their punishment
  • Loot nations about 27 times has been referred to their punishment
  • Aad nations about 24 times has been referred to their punishment
  • Faraon about 4 times has been referred to their punishment
  • Noah nations about 24 times has been referred to their punishment
  • Madyan nations 3 times has been referred to their punishment
  • Many other nations e.g Al-ras, Ikeh, ... has been referredto their punishment
The only reason for their genocide was disobeying Allah. Below are few sample why they have been genocide:
  • Sureh 26 (Al-shara), Verse 155. Allah messenger (Saleh) has ordered to the samood nation the well water has to be divided between one camel and the rest of the people in the village. The samood nation found this to be unfair and they killed the camel. Allah has punished the samood nation because they did not share the water with the camel and disobey Allah.
  • Sureh 17 (Al-asra), verse 17. Allah has destroyed many nations after Noah
  • Sureh 41 (Foselat), Verse 15. Allah destroyed Aad nation because they were so proud and they asked who is more powerful that them. Their punishment was to be genocide. Allah sends hurricane to destroy them.
  • Sureh 2 (Baghareh), Verse 50. Allah describes how Faraons have been punished.
  • Sureh 11 (Hood), verse 42 and 43. Refers how Allah has drowned the Noah nation
I have mentioned above some references when Allah destroy the whole nation and genocide was allowed just because they disobey Allah. Mohammad has executed Allah's rule in Mekeh and Medineh and orders Muslim to kill unbelievers any where. As you see the Islamic leaders gave the same order to Muslims to kill all American and western's (unbelievers) any where in the world.

The word "Yaghtao-ad-daber" means kill the whole generation (genocide) of unbelievers is repeated in Quran at least 5 times.
  1. Sureh 8 (Al-anfal), Verse 7.
  2. Sureh 6 (Al-anam), Verse 45.
  3. Sureh 7 (Al_aaraf), Verse 72.
  4. Sureh 15 (Al-hajar), Verse 66.
  5. Sureh 3 (Al-emran), Verse 127.

Conclusion: Genocide is allowed by Islam for all unbelievers. If you look back in history, all nations who has been attacked by Muslims were genocide (Persian, Egyptian, Turkey, Yemen, etc). Mohammad has killed from Bani-Ghoreyzeh between 700 to 1000 people in one day (Mohammad was present and has witnessed this genocide).
All examples are to teach Muslims how they can genocide unbelievers and justify to kill them and receive awards.

Again we can not say what is happening today by Muslim is not the real Islam, no this is Islam and Muslims only try to execute the Islamic rules. There is no moderate Muslim and no other Islam, this is the reallllllllllllllllllllllll Islam. Wake up people don't waste your time.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

1) Why Muslims are ready to kill and being killed?

If you read Quran carefully you will find many references that encourage Muslims to kill or being killed. Quran is the only religious book which legitimate the crime. Quran guide Muslims life based on Allah's recommendation. Here are some references from Quran:
Here are some key words that helps to understand Quran better:
  • Fi Sabilellah: Means suggested way by Allah
  • Hajaro: Means departure to fight for Allah
  • Jahado: Means fight with all possibilities for Allah
  • Ghatelo: Means being kill for Allah
  • Ghatala: Means kill for Allah
Here is the list of Verse in Quran that the word kill and being killed is mentioned:

  • Sureh 47 (Mohammad), Vers 4. Departure from your home and being killed for Allah.
  • Sureh 22 (Alhaj), Verse 58. Departure from your home and being killed for Allah.
  • Sureh 3 (Al-Emran), Verse 169. Don't doubt people who were killed for Allah are dead but they are all alive and are Allah's guest
Here you can see why Muslim are ready to being killed because they will be Allah's guest:
  • Sureh 16 (Al-nahl), Verse 110. Departure and kill the enemy for Allah
  • Sureh 3 (Al-Emran), Verse 195. Departure and kill or being killed
  • Sureh 2(Al-baghareh), Verse 218. Departure from your home and fight for Allah
  • Sureh 9 (Al-Tobeh), Verse 20. Good Muslims are the ones who goes to war for Allah and fight and Allah will reward them.
  • Sureh 8 (Al-Anfal), Verse 72, 74 and 75.
  • Sureh 4 (Al-Nesa), Verse 89. If some people get closer to you but they refuse to departure from their home and go to the war and fight with you for Allah then you are allowed to kill them where ever you find them.
  • Sureh 9 (Al-Tobeh), Verse 16. Allah praises the Muslim who fight for Allah
  • Sureh 9 (Al-Tobeh), Verse 41. Departure from your home and fight for Allah with your life and all you belonging. Did you know that is the best way for you Allah says.
  • Sureh 9 (Al-Tobeh), Verse 44. The believers don't need permission even from Mohammad for fighting for Allah. This gives the authority to all Muslim to judge and kill unbelievers.
  • Sureh 9 (Al-Tobeh), Verse 88. Go to war and fight for Allah with all your belonging and life.
  • Sureh 29 (Al-Ankabot), Verse 69. Believers who try to move forward in Allah's path, Allah will show the path
  • Sureh 3 (Al-Emran), Verse 142. DO you think you will enter the heaven without Allah knowing who has fought for Allah and has suffered for Allah
  • Sureh 9 (Al-Tobeh), Advise Muslim to not waste your time even in Haram months (4 months that Arab are not allowed to fight) and fight for Allah and be aware that Allah is with you (believers0.
In other 126 Verse in different Sureh is also advising Muslims to fight for Allah and there is only few reference to help poor people for Allah. Only help poor believers not unbelievers.

Conclusion, Have you seen any other religious book to have so many reference which encourage the believers to fight, kill and being killed? Also pries them if they kill in this world and if they have been killed in life after death. In this world they inherit all enemy belonging, enemy wife's and children, in the life after death 70 virgin, heaven, etc. So why would Muslim not be ready to kill, their crime is rewarded. A killer place is usually in prison but a Muslim killer inherit everything and get more power to kill more.
What is the solution: Don't waste your time and try not to distinguish between moderate and non-moderate Muslim. There is no moderate Muslim If they believe in what is in Quran because Quran is a book that you blindly have to execute and nobody is allowed to modify. You have to attack the Islam and Quran which is the most inhuman book in the world.