Monday, December 22, 2008

5) Allah and Intimidation

As we know human is very creative and innovative from centuries ago even before Islam. Iran, Egypt, Rome and many other countries have founded many important industries (e.g paper, Architects, etc) and they were all continuing to improve the humans life. But Allah who 100 percent was a psychopath human and guiding human to wrong direction. He based its ideology on fear.

In Quran you can read many joyful and fearful verses from Allah for the believers and fearful verses for unbelievers.

Key words: Bashir and Nazir (means praise and fear)

  • 30 times Allah defines the role of its messenger (include Mohammad). As an example in Sureh
  • 22 (Al-haj), Verse 49: Mohammad said: My role is only to fear you.About 6 times the fear is followed by praise. Sure 11 (Hood), Verse 2. Mohammad said: My role is only to fear and praise you.
This method (Fear and Praise) is noticed in the whole Quran. The worst possible torture, intimidation, terror and horror is promised for unbelievers while for believers legitimate and providing green light for any crime (e.g Kill unbelievers then you will own their belonging, wife, children and any natural source). Believers has to fear only Allah.

With this method attracts the most criminal believers and empty them if they have any humanity left then fill their emptiness with intimidation, fear from hell and punishment.

On the other hand it creates hate and revenge from unbelievers in the believers mind and heart. It also gives power to believers so they feel much better than any other human because they think they are executing Allah's will and wish.

Sureh 3 (Al-Emran) Which has 200 Verses. It defines believers and unbelievers for about 27 times. 60 times intimidates believers and fear them from Allah but on the other hand praise them with allowing multiple sex, virgin, ... including Mohammad.
45 times threat the unbelievers, intimidate them and promise them the hell. Allah also wishes all unbelievers to be destroyed.

Sureh 59 (Al-Hashr), Verse 21: In this Verse states If Allah had sent the Quran to mountains then mountains would collapse from Allah's fear. This Verse shows the writer of Quran knew what this book will do with humanity (fear, intimitation, etc)

Conclusion: intimidate believers and create fear for Allah so that they are ready to perform any crime against unbelievers. This is their way for 1400 years.

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