Monday, December 15, 2008

3) Knowing real Muslim behavior by knowing Allah

The main character in Islam is Allah and Allah has introduce himself in Quran. About 1754 times the name Allah has been used in Quran with different adjective (e.g. Allah shadid Al-eghab means Allah is very tough torturer). The adjective words that has been used varies from being kindest to the toughest torturer. We need to sort the Allah's adjectives that are mentioned in Quran in order to find put what kind of attribute Allah has and then we will know the real Muslims behavior better. Unbelievers from Saudi 1400 years ago had to fight against the same Muslim who obey the same Allah. Finally we can defend humanity and civilization against this barbarian attack by knowing Muslims attribute and behavior.
Here are the adjectives that are used in Quran many times for Allah:
  • Sureh 44 (Al-dokhan), Verse 11: Azab Alim means painful torturer
  • Sureh 31 (Loghman), Verse 24: Azab Ghaliz means heavy torture
  • Sureh 45 (Al-jacieh), Verse 9: Azab Mohin means insulting torture
  • Sureh 45 (Al-jacieh), Verse 11: Azab Men Rajzen Alim means dirty torture
  • Allah threat and warn unbelievers more than 400 times to be burn in the hell and different type of fire (e.g. huge fire, green fire,...) as example Sureh 58 (Al-Brouj), Verse 5: Alnar zat-Al- voghood means huge fire
  • Sureh 2 (Al-baghareh), Verse 24: Allah make a fire from human bodies as fuel.
  • Sureh 44 (Al-dokhan), Verse 43 and Sureh 37 (Al-safat), Verse 62: Allah plant a tree in the hell which called "Zaghoom" and it's fruits are evil head. Allah offer this fruit (evils head) to unbelievers while torturing them in the hell.
  • Sureh 13 (Al-Raad), Verse 13: Allah is the best torturer.
  • Sureh 54 (Al-ghamar), Verse 25: Nobody can torture as good as Allah
Allah is only merciful to believers and his followers (who torture, rape, kill, etc) as it is referred in Quran.

Conclusion: Unfortunately Allah was the most psychopath human being that called himself Allah which does not exist as it has been described by human. We need to study and read Quran word by word, line by line to understand Allah, Mohammad and his followers. How can such an Allah be the creator of the world?

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