Sunday, January 25, 2009

12) Is Allah liar or forgetful part 3

Here one statistic lie from Allah:

Badr war is one of the war that Mohammad has fought against unbelievers in Makeh. This war was finished with Muslims as winner. In Quran Allah has referred many times to this war and Muslim's victory. Allah claims the reason they have won was because Allah has send angels to help the Muslim fighters.
  • Sureh 8 (Al-Anfal), Verse 9: Allah mentioned here we have listened to your prayer and send 1000 angels to help you fight against unbelievers in Badr's war.
  • In Sureh 3 (Al-Emran), Verse 123,124: Allah orders Mohammad: Tell to believers to remember that Allah has sent 3000 angels to help fighting in Badr's war

As you can see in Quran as mentioned above once Allah sends 1000 angels on the other time 3000 angels for the same war.
Now we have to understand 1.2 billion people are guided by this Allah and even have not noticed many inconsistency. This started 1400 years ago and continues.

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