Thursday, February 12, 2009

14) Allah and science part 1 (Basic mathematics)

As we know human has made enormous progress in science, For instance 4500 years ago Egyptian scientist has discovered pyramid's Volume (V=1/3. h. a.a) v=Volume, h=height and a.a=area.

Does Allah who introduce himself to Muhammad as god had knowledge how to calculate the sum of
fractional numbers? We will refer to Quran in order to find the answer.

  • Sureh 4 (Al-Nesa), Verse 11, since this verse is too long I have divided in smaller sentences.
  1. Male inheritor will inherit twice as much as female inheritor
  2. If all inheritors and are female then they all will inherit 2/3
  3. If inheritor is only one female then she will inherit 1/2
  4. But the father and mother each will inherit 1/6
  5. If decease has no children then mother inherits 1/3, father 2/3. But if he has brother then mother will inherit 1/6 and father 5/6
  6. At the end of verse stated Allah is knowledgeable
  • Continues in Verse 12:
  1. You (referring to the men) will inherit 1/2 of your wife belonging if they have no child
  2. If decease female had children then her spouse will inherit 1/4
  3. Women will inherit 1/4 from their husband if they did not have children
  4. If they had children then the wife will inherit 1/8
  5. The rest of verse is explaining the rule for "kalaleh" which is explained in belog #13.
Here are 4 different situation when a man decease:
  • Man=decease, Wife=inherit 1/4, Child=No, Mother=inherit 1/3, Father=inherit 2/3
The sum of (2/3+1/3+1/4=16/24+8/24+6/24=30/24), Here the sum must be 24/24 but 30/24 this means incorrect dividends.
  • Man=decease, Wife=inherit 1/4, Child=No, but had brother so Mother=inherit 1/6, Father=inherit 5/6
The sum of (1/4+1/6+5/6=6/24+4/24/+20/24=30/24), Here the sum must be 24/24 but 30/24 this means incorrect dividends.
  • Man=decease, Wife=inherit 1/8, Child=Yes, Daughter=1 and inherit 1/2, Mother=inherit 1/6, Father=inherit 1/6
The sum of (1/8+1/2+1/6+1/6=3/24+12/24+4/24+4/24=23/24), Again the sum must be 24/24 but it is 23/24 which is less and incorrect.

  • Man=decease, Wife=inherit 1/8, Child=Yes, Daughter=more than 2 and they inherit 2/3, Mother=inherit 1/6, Father=inherit 1/6
The sum of (1/8+2/3+1/6+1/6=3/24+16/24+4/24+4/24=27/24), another math error

Here are 4 different situation when a woman decease:
  • Woman=decease, husband=1/2, Child=No, Mother=inherit 1/3, Father=inherit 2/3
The sum of (1/2+1/3+2/3=12/24+8/24+16/24=36/24), So go figure how you divide.

  • Woman=decease, husband=1/2, Child=No, but had brother so Mother=inherit 1/6, Father=inherit 5/6
The sum of (1/2+1/6+5/6=12/24+4/24/+20/24=36/24), Here the sum must be 24/24 but 36/24 this means incorrect dividends.

  • Woman=decease, husband=inherit 1/4, Child=Yes, Daughter=1 and inherit 1/2, Mother=inherit 1/6, Father=inherit 1/6
The sum of (1/4+1/2+1/6+1/6=6/24+12/24+4/24+4/24=26/24), Again the sum must be 24/24 but it is 26/24 which is more and incorrect.

  • Woman=decease, husband=inherit 1/4, Child=Yes, Daughter=more than 2 and they inherit 2/3, Mother=inherit 1/6, Father=inherit 1/6
The sum of (1/4+2/3+1/6+1/6=6/24+16/24+4/24+4/24=30/24), another math error

Conclusion: As we see Allah fails in every single calculation as shown above (sum of fractional numbers) but in the same verse Allah claims he is knowledgeable. As we know a 9-10 years old child can calculate the sum of fractional numbers with no mistake but here Allah fails compare to a 9-10 years old child.

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